Warsaw University of Technology created Mobile Forensic Platform 


Scientists from the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) headed the consortium including: Military Communications No. 1 and the Hagmed company, which created the Mobile Forensic Platform (MPK) for quick collection and analysis of data from the place of attack terrorist or disaster.

MPK is a forensic laboratory installed in a foldable 20-foot container. It consists of six modules. They make it possible to document the scene of an incident, perform biological and dactyloscopic examinations, analyze secured cell phones and recordings from monitoring, and reconstruct events based on ballistic data.

“The main task of the Mobile Forensic Platform is to provide support to investigative groups that inspect the vast and complex crime scene, directly in its vicinity”, points out Dr Eng. Jędrzej Mączak, project manager.

Technical sciences