Wrocław Technology Park has a chance to become the European Hub for Digital Innovation


The Wrocław Technology Park has an increasing chance of becoming the European Hub for Digital Innovation. The park, together with its partners, passed the preselection in a competition organized by the European Commission under the Digital Europe program and has been one of  25 candidates who will take part in further parts of the competition at the European Union level.

The European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) will be centers gathering knowledge and competences in the field of digital transformation of economic activity. They will help companies to increase their competitiveness by supporting them in the digital transformation process.

The Wrocław Technology Park is the leader of the project submitted to the competition, in which other partners include: Wrocław University of Technology, SI Consulting Sp. z o. o., Operator Chmury Krajowej Sp. z o. o., GISPartner Sp. z o. o., Solid Solutions Sp. z o. o., TestArmy Group SA and Balluff Sp. z o. o.

More: http://www.technologpark.pl/2021/04/wpt-z-szansa-na-stanie-sie-europejskim-hubem-innowacji-cyfrowych/

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