Wrocław Technology Park to cooperate with the Popławska Group company

Krzysztof Kaniewski/REPORTER

Wrocław Technology Park (WPT) will cooperate with Popławska Group – a producer of professional cosmetics and cosmetic devices. The goals of the concluded contract are the exchange of knowledge, sharing experience and cooperation on projects.

Thanks to the signed agreement, companies cooperating with the Park gain new development opportunities through the implementation of joint ventures for which the Popławska Group is looking for partners. The cooperation will give both parties the opportunity to exchange knowledge and cooperate in the implementation of projects. Currently, entrepreneurs from WPT can cooperate with Popławska Group in two areas: new innovative raw materials for use in Clarena cosmetics and an expert’s opinion on the acid mixtures used in cosmetics.

The Popławska Group is a company that aims to create innovative products that create trends and set the direction for the development of the beauty industry in the country and abroad.

More: https://www.technologpark.pl/2022/05/rozpocznij-wspolprace-z-liderem-branzy-kosmetycznej-firma-poplawska-group/

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