Wrocław University of Science and Technology renovates Laboratory of Waste Technology and Land Remediation


Wrocław University of Science and Technology has launched a didactic and research laboratory for Waste Technology and Land Remediation at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering. The renovated studio will be used for the implementation of projects related to the management of municipal and industrial waste.

The laboratory is equipped with a spectrophotometer, thermoreactors, shakers, dryers and modern furnaces that allow for controlled combustion of samples under strictly defined temperature conditions. The latest devices include a knife mill with a very high rotational speed, enabling grinding and homogenization even of the hardest wastes.

The scientists will be able to use a calorimetric bomb to measure the heat of waste combustion and analyze the fuel properties of municipal waste. Chemical analyzes will include steam distillation apparatus and automatic Soxhlet apparatus – advanced equipment used for fat extraction.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/laboratorium-na-w7-po-remoncie-i-z-nowoczesnym-sprzetem-11756.html

Higher education Technical sciences