The Council for the Polish Language at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the University of Zielona Góra and the PRO.PL Foundation are inviting participants from 19 to 21 April to the 13th Forum on the Culture of Words “Linguistic awareness past and present”. For the first time, the event will have a hybrid form: the organisers are planning both on-site and remote participation.
The Forum on the Culture of Words (FKS) is a series of nationwide interdisciplinary conferences on linguistic communication. The ‘culture of speech’ in the name of the cycle should be understood broadly, in a social and cultural context.
The conferences forming the series provide an opportunity for an exchange of views between representatives of various sciences, not only humanities and social sciences (including linguistics, psychology, sociology, political science, cultural studies, media studies, press studies, history, law), but also natural and exact sciences. Journalists, teachers and representatives of other professions interested in the subject matter of the meetings are also invited to participate.
Read more: https://www.infoserwis.uz.zgora.pl/index.php?xiii-forum-kultury-sowa-wiadomo-jzykowa-dawniej-i-dzi