Two funds – NIF and Fidiasz will include shares of the new issue of HiProMine for the total amount of PLN 20 million. The originator and co-founder of the company is Prof. Damian Józefiak, the head of the Department of Animal Nutrition at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań.
HiProMine, a producer of alternative protein, fat and organic fertilizer, produced thanks to an innovative, proprietary technology of industrial insect breeding will allocate these funds to the construction of a new plant. There are also plans to enter the NewConnect market.
The investment in the innovative company HiProMine is the first result of the partnership between the venture capital fund NCBR Investment Fund ASI SA (NIF) belonging to the National Center for Research and Development and the Polish investment fund Fidiasz EVC. The aim of the joint operation of the funds is to co-invest in technology enterprises, including industry 4.0 and biotechnology.