“Congress of the Two Union – From the Union of Lublin to the European Union”


In Lublin from 13 to 15 May 2019, the “Congress of Two Union – From the Union of Lublin to the European Union” will take place. It will be a series of international conferences, debates and meetings with the participation of Polish and foreign intellectuals, scientists, politicians and publicists.

Congress will be inaugurated with the panel “The foreign policy. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth a burden or an obligation? ” Prof. Waldemar Paruch in Lublin and head of the governmental Strategic Analysis Center, Dr Marcin Kędzierski, chief expert of the Center for Analyzes of the Jagiellonian Club, and Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, former head of the Ministry of the Interior will deliver their speeches.

On May 14, the Session of the European Heritage “The Feast of Two Unions – from the Union of Lublin to the European Union” will be held, gathering historians from Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Great Britain. The event will be concluded the conference on “Community and self-government” at the Faculty of Political Science at UMCS.

Events Humanities