Consortium of Gdańsk universities to carry out the BIONANOVA project


The consortium of Medical University of Gdańsk, University of Gdańsk (leader), Gdańsk University of Technology and INNOVABION Ltd will implement the project “New generation systems for the delivery of bioactive molecules in chemically synthesized and genetically engineered nanobiomaterials (BIONANOVA)”.

The results of the BIONANOVA project will be used to develop new unique methods of drug delivery and to create innovative nanobiomaterials for the treatment of diseases of various etiology. The research will be carried out using advanced cell culture techniques, immunology, molecular biology and genetics.

The proposed budget for the project is over PLN 25 million. The money for the project’s implementation is allocated by the TECHMATSTRATEG program of the National Center for Research and Development. The goal of the Program is to stimulate the growth of innovation and competitiveness of the Polish economy.

Higher education Medicine and biotechnology Research and development