Kozminski Academy starts online studies


During last week 9 thousand students of the Kozminski Academy (ALK) in Warsaw turned to online education. The university authorities have transferred online 90 percent of bachelor’s and master’s classes, and all of English and MBA courses.

It took the university only 48 hours to train teachers to maintain current teaching standards. Special didactic rooms with equipment for conducting online classes have been prepared for lecturers who cannot conduct lectures and exercises in their homes.

In addition, ALK is inviting secondary school students to participate in the lectures on social knowledge at the time of schools closures due to the coronavirus pandemic. The participants of virtual classes together with the ALK lecturers will delve into knowledge in the areas of law and criminal proceedings, human rights and non-governmental organizations.
More: https://www.kozminski.edu.pl/pl/aktualnosci/aktualnosc/nasza-akademia-zaprasza-uczniow-szkol-srednich-na-wyklady-online-z-wiedzy-o-spoleczenstwie-uczestnicy-wirtualnych-zajec-wraz-z-wykladowcami-alk-zaglebia-sie-w-wiedze-z-obszarow-prawa-i-postepowania-karnego-praw-czlowieka-oraz-organizacji-pozarzadowych/

Higher education