Latest book of the University of Lodz Publishing House deals with the functioning of e-business


The book o”Functioning of e-business” by Anna Misztal, a researcher from the University of Lodz, was published by the University of Lodz Publishing House in the series Akademia Zarządzania i Finansów.

The publication is a kind of guide to the e-business. The author deals with the current problems, models and strategies used by organizations conducting on-line business. The researcher from the University of Lodz discusses individual segments of e-business taking into account their advantages, disadvantages and key determinants of functioning and development of individual branches of the economy on the example of well-known and successful companies operating in a virtual environment, such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Eobuwie or Filmweb.

The latest position of the publishing house of the Łódź university is addressed primarily to students of economic studies and management, as well as to all those interested in the subject of virtual business.

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