Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University: We want to educate mission doctors


– We want to educate mission doctors. We start with the assumption – which is obvious, but in practice this obviousness has been lost somewhere – that a doctor is not an ordinary profession. This vocation is connected with serving the other person – said Prof. Stanisław Dziekoński, rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw in an interview for the weekly journal “Do Rzeczy”.

The rector of the CSWU also mentioned the Collegium Medicum, a new faculty that was established at this Warsaw university. As emphasized Professor Dziekoński “a patient can not be treated as a disease entity, but as a human being who needs help”.

– In the next two, three years, we want to develop a medical department at CSWU, which will be part of the new quality of medicine. We also want to develop an IT school. This year, we established the Center for Digital Science and Technology with a separate module of digital medicine – added the Rector of UKSW.

Higher education Medicine and biotechnology