Students of the Wrocław University of Technology receive SAE Aero Design East 2019 medals


Five medals including two silver and three bronze were won by students of the Wrocław University of Technology at the SAE Aero Design East 2019 flight constructions at Fort Worth, Texas. Over 80 teams from around the world participated in the competition.

Students from the JetStream team with their aircraft competed in the Advanced and Micro classes. The wingspan of their machine was 3.65 m and 1 m, respectively.

The task in the Advanced class was a mission simulating the colonization of Mars. Its first part consisted of rising several dozen foam football balls and a dozen or so pint bottles with water to a height of about 30 m and dropping to the target. In the next stage, the goal was to drop three fully autonomous gliders attached to the matrix plane.

In the Micro category, the task was to transfer the largest possible weight in the lightest plane and to fold the machine in the shortest possible time.

Events Technical sciences