Students of the Wrocław University of Technology won the housing architecture competition


Students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Technology took first and third place in the national competition “Habitat Now” for projects in the field of housing architecture.

The first prize was received by Katarzyna Ponińska for the work “Connectiv housing” – My project is of course conceptual, but it also draws attention to important aspects that are neglected in today’s designing of developer housing, namely security, understood as a higher social awareness and better neighbor relations, not a fence, monitoring or guard, but rather connection with nature, a substitute for rural life in the city. The whole idea is connected in the form of a city Multifamily residential housing, which makes the project more real and accessible.

The third place was taken by Wojciech Szkarłata for ‘Sport & Living Hybrid’ project. The concept assumes combining a large-scale facility with a sports function in a multi-family housing, which facilitates interpersonal relations and human contact with sport.

Events Technical sciences