Сomputer from Cyfronet among the 500 fastest computers in the world


In Denver, USA, the latest TOP500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world was announced during the Supercomputing’19 conference. The ranking included Prometheus from the Academic Computer Center CYFRONET of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, which again took 241 place and remains the only supercomputer from Poland in this ranking.

Prometheus developed at ACK Cyfronet AGH has remained the fastest supercomputer in Poland since its launch in 2015. This title was granted to it for theoretical computing power of 2.4 PFlops (PetaFlops).

To illustrate the speed of work of Prometheus, it would need to use the power of over 50 thousand top-class PCs in the most powerful configuration, additionally connected by a super-fast network and managed by special software to meet Prometheus capabilities – said Prof. Kazimierz Wiatr, director of ACK Cyfronet AGH.


Technical sciences