14th mentoring programme for students of the Wrocław University of Economics begins

Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Enrolment in the Mentoring for Students programme at Wrocław University of Economics has begun. The university encourages both mentors and mentees to participate in the 14th programme.

The Wrocław university was the first in Poland to establish cooperation with Mentiway, a platform dedicated to mentoring processes. Thanks to this partnership, participants in the programme will have access to a special application throughout the mentoring process. 

The new solution will provide an effective recommendation system for mentoring pairs supported by an artificial intelligence system, a suite of tools for planning the mentoring process, organising meetings and collecting notes and materials in one place. The application also provides a structured knowledge base and ready-made scenarios for mentoring sessions guiding Mentors and Mentees through the process.

Read more: https://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/27546/mentoring_dla_studentow_uew_ruszyly_zapisy.html

Higher education