16th Tourism Days at the University of Poznan


The Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań invites participants for the Tourism Days. The organizers announce unusual attractions including games, gifts, workshops, competitions and meetings with famous travelers.

The program of the event includes a Japanese evening with a demonstration how to eat with chopsticks, a survival workshop on the trip “Survive at any cost” and meetings with interesting guests: a traveler Aleksander Doba; a climber Adam Bielecki and a journalist Szymon Hołownia.

The Tourism Days are organized for the 16th time and the event is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, 16 and 17 April. It is a travel festival organized by students of Tourism and Recreation Faculty of the Poznań University. It aims to familiarize students with the culture and geography of various corners of the world.
More information on the website www.dniturystyki.pl
and the official fanpage https://www.facebook.com/dni.turystyki/

Events Higher education