2020 – year of Roman Ingarden


The Polish Sejm adopted a resolution in which it sets 2020 as the Year of Roman Ingarden, one of the greatest Polish philosophers.

Roman Ingarden was born in 1893 in Krakow. He studied mathematics and philosophy in Lvov and Göttingen, as well as in Vienna and Freiburg- Breisgau. The promoter of his doctoral thesis, defended in 1918, was Edmund Husserl. Roman Ingarden from 1933 was a professor at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov. After the WWII, he worked at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He was also a member of the Polish Academy of Learning and the Polish Academy of Sciences.

He published a total of 224 works, he wrote mainly in Polish and German. Many of his works have been translated into foreign languages. He made several translations into Polish (including Critics of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant). He died in 1970.
