Foundation for Polish Science granted Awards 2019


Professor Marcin Drąg, Prof. Andrzej Kossakowski and Prof. Andrzej Wiśniewski became the winners of the Foundation for Polish Science Award 2019.

Professor Marcin Drąg from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Wrocław University of Technology received the Award in the field of chemical and materials sciences for developing a new technological platform enabling the production of biologically active compounds, in particular proteolytic enzyme inhibitors. This platform can be used to develop new therapies, medicines or diagnostic methods.

Professor Andrzej Kossakowski from the Institute of Physics of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń received the Award in the field of mathematical, physical and engineering sciences for developing the theory of open quantum systems. This theory forms the basis of the rapidly growing scientific field – quantum information theory.

Professor Andrzej Wiśniewski from the Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science at the University of A. Mickiewicz in Poznań received the Award in the field of humanities and social sciences for developing the concept of inferential logic of questions.
