Success of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology robot at competitions in China


Robotics from the KoNaR Scientific Society operating at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology took the second place at the international competition “Minesweepers: towards a landmine-free world” in Macau, China. 80 teams from around the world competed in the tournament. Their main task was to search for mock- up mines.
Wrocław students presented Ariadna robot in China. Its body was made of aluminum profiles and dibond panels, which is a material that is twice as light as aluminum, and at the same time durable. Smaller fixings were made of acrylic and PLA glass in the 3D printing process.

The main task of “Ariadna” was to independently search the designated area and properly signalize mock- up underground and ground mines. The competition regulations also imposed the need for autonomous map generation with a classification of mines. In addition, the robot had to safely remove surface mines from the arena, for which a manipulator with an electromagnetic gripper was used.




Technical sciences