Catholic University of Lublin to hold Peruvian Day


The Department of the Spanish World, Politics and International Relations of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), the Spanish-Polish Club at KUL, the Honorary Consul of Peru in Lublin and the Mediterranean High School in Lublin are inviting participants to “Peruvian Day”, which will take place on December 12, 2019 at the Transfer Center Knowledge in Lublin.

The event will start with the speech of Alberto Salas Barahon, Peru’s ambassador to Poland. Then there will be delivered lectures on Peru, Polish-Peruvian relations and Spanish language.

KUL Hispanic students will tell guests about Spanish in America and will present “Peruvian ABC”. Dr Maciej Karkut from the Department of the Spanish World will share “memories of the transatlantic expedition”. Father Walter Corsini will give a lecture entitled “Missionary from Europe among Peruvian Indians.”

The event will end with a competition about Peru for secondary school students.
