As part of the second Ulam’s Program high schools and scientific institutions may invite research organizations from all over the world and from all scientific disciplines.
The program provides funding for a scholarship covering the cost of living of foreign scientists in Poland who have obtained a doctoral titles in a country other than Poland.
The aim of the program is to increase the degree of internationalization of Polish universities and scientific institutions. Thanks to the program, it will be possible to gradually increase the number of foreign scientists involved in research and teaching in Poland, as well as to establish or deepen international contacts with foreign institutions.
In the first Ulam’s Program, the jury awarded 70 scholarships for researchers from India, Germany, Ukraine, Italy, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Turkey, Serbia, Great Britain, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Egypt, Estonia, France, Greece, Spain, Iran, Japan come to Poland , Costa Rica, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, South Africa, Russia, Slovenia, the United States.