AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow elects a new rector


Professor Jerzy Lis became the new rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. He will replace the head of the university Prof. Tadeusz Słomka who had been the rector since 2012.

Professor Eng. Jerzy Lis graduated from the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics of AGH in the field of materials engineering (1978). He defended his doctoral thesis in 1986, was appointed the university professor ten years later, and received a professor’s title in 2000.

He has been working professionally with AGH since 1978. He went through all levels of his scientific career from assistant to professor. He was a vice-rector of AGH, deputy dean, dean of the faculty, and the head of the department. For 3 years he also worked at the State University of New York (USA).

The subjects of his scientific research include material engineering and chemical technology with a specialization in ceramic materials.

He is the author or co-author of over 400 published papers, including 4 books and monographs, about 150 presentations at national and international scientific conferences.

Higher education