University of Humanities and Sciences in Częstochowa examines the quality of the waters of Upper Silesia


Employees of the University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Częstochowa, together with the Eco-Energy Technology Park – Water – Safety, examined the quality of water in surface reservoirs of Upper Silesia.

The area of Upper Silesia is the most polluted area in Poland. Industrial activities, strong urbanization and intensified transport have caused serious, adverse changes in the natural environment. Therefore, the scientists should regularly monitor the amount of pollution in individual elements of the environment.

The researchers of the Częstochowa University evaluated the quality of surface waters constituting drinking water reservoirs, based on qualitative and quantitative analyses of the concentrations of selected inorganic substances (inorganic cations and anions, including chlorate (VII) as well as metals and metalloids) and organic substances (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and petroleum substances ) in terms of their temporal and spatial variability.

Higher education