NAWA Guest Professorship to allow Polish universities to attract renowned foreign scientists


The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced a new program – Guest Professorship NAWA, which offers universities and other research organizations a long-term financial support from NAWA for invitation of foreign scientists with a global reputation.

The goal of the NAWA Guest Professorship program is to support the scientific and research and didactic activities of Polish universities and other scientific organizations, distinguished by the quality of scientific research and education.

The new NAWA program enables the invitation to Poland of world-class foreign scientists from the indicated science areas and taking up the position of a guest professor for a period of 3-4 years. – It’s time for creating a scientific team with an outstanding scientist, development of ground-breaking research, and applying for international grants – says Dr Grażyna Żebrowska, director of NAWA. The NAWA grant may amount to PLN 3 million.

Higher education