Scientists from the Polish Academy of Sciences estimate the costs of spatial chaos in Poland


Annual costs of spatial chaos in Poland are over PLN 80 billion. This is the result of the calculations of the Country Development Committee for the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), which has just published its analysis with proposals for corrective actions.

Spatial chaos generates huge social, economic and environmental losses. The main problem is the lack of coordination of urbanization processes. Polish cities do not grow in an organized way, they are just “spreading”.
Faulty spatial management has been a source of problems with connecting the water and sewage network and increases transport costs for years.

The authors of the publication Adam Kowalewski, Tadeusz Markowski and Przemysław Śleszyński are pointing out that the authorities need to start a systemic reform of spatial economy, preceding decisions with research and consultations with scientists, and using the experience of other countries.

Book “Crisis of Polish space. Sources, effects and directions of corrective actions” is available to all readers free of charge on the website of the Polish Academy of Sciences:

Technical sciences