PhD Student Ombudsman elected


Paweł Sobotko from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn became the Ombudsman for Doctoral Rights. The competition for this new position was conducted by the National Representation of Doctoral Students (KRD).

The Ombudsman’s task is to safeguard the rights of doctoral students, investigate signals of suspected violations of doctoral students’ rights and, if necessary, intervene in the event of any violations of those rights. His duties also include developing and issuing reports and recommendations on problems with complying doctoral students’ rights and organizing information campaigns on this issue.

Paweł Sobotko, a PhD and assistant at the Department of Administrative Law and Security Sciences at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn took the position of Ombudsman for Doctoral Rights, as a result of the competition organized by the KRD.

Higher education