Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN continues its cooperation with the Płock branch of the Warsaw University of Technology


Polski Koncern Naftowy (PKN) ORLEN has signed an agreement to continue cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) Branch in Płock. It will enable Płock students to participate in internships. For the university, it is an opportunity to implement didactic initiatives together with the largest in Poland and Europe’s leading company in the fuel and energy industries.

The practical dimension of the agreement with the Warsaw University of Technology assumes technical and scientific-research cooperation as well as preparing ways of educating university staff for the needs of PKN ORLEN. Joint activities will include the implementation of diploma theses, organization of didactic classes and providing apprenticeships for students. In addition, the Company also undertook to provide the university with samples of petroleum products produced at PKN ORLEN for the didactic activity of the facility – said Józef Węgrecki, member of the management board of PKN ORLEN.

Approximately 100 people participate in internships carried out by PKN ORLEN every year. They can learn about the specifics of working in a large group and learn from experienced employees.

Higher education