Polish engineers develop an innovative tool for contactless payments


Engineers from the Posbit.pl company operating in the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia have developed the first tool in Poland and one of the first in Europe that allows to easily donate to charity, without the need to use cash, a payment terminal or install an additional application on smartphones.

All what is needed is a sticker with a link to the organizer’s account “in it”, so that the donor can make any donation only using a phone that works in NFC technology. The payment will also be possible after scanning the QR code. Payment is possible via Google Pay, Apple Pay or with a payment card.

The whole process can be completed in three clicks. The solution is opening the way to a previously unavailable transaction scheme, bypassing the POS terminal, and is primarily intended to help charity fundraising organizers who, due to the threat of coronavirus, cannot raise money in the traditional way.

More: https://ppnt.pl/innowacyjne-narzedzie-do-platnosci-bezdotykowych/
