Silesian scientists developed polymeric materials with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties


Scientists of the University of Silesia and the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice have developed new polymeric materials with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The materials are designed on the base of the structure of thermoplastic polymers with the addition of betulin.

Betulin is a natural compound found in the white part of birch bark. It has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It is obtainable in a way that does not generate significant production costs – even on an industrial scale. It is an excellent basis for making chemical modifications, including the synthesis of polymers or copolymers, and can be used even in objects that come into contact with the cells of organisms.

Materials designed in Silesia are widely used, primarily in medicine and biotechnology, and can also be used as special structures in 3D printing. Two solutions in this field are covered by patent protection.

More: ciosciach-pysznebakteracyjnych-i-przałzapalnych/

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