Nadnotecki Institute of the Adam Mickiewicz University to put educational apiary and community garden


An educational apiary and a permaculture social garden are being located on the premises of the Nadnotecki Institute of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła. The first hive is inhabited by gentle and hardworking bees of the Polish Krainka breed of the Galicja line.

The apiary and the permaculture garden will form a naturalistic garden around the building of the Nadnotecki Institute of Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła. There, scientists are planning experimental research on changes in vegetation in cities and home gardens related to climate change. The garden is being created in cooperation between the university and the Pszczoła Foundation and Pracownia Sztuki Ogrodowej. The area has already been fenced, and a flower meadow has also been created. Its feeding belt will bloom gradually throughout the growing season, providing food for insects.

The bees have also been located on the premises of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. In autumn 2019, single hive- hotels were placed for bees at the Morasko Campus.
