University of Warsaw to coordinate 6 educational projects selected in the competition of the 4EU + alliance


6 projects coordinated by scientists from the University of Warsaw (UW) will be financed in a pilot competition for educational projects of the 4EU + alliance. Students and doctoral students of member universities will be involved in those projects.

Over 50 applications were submitted in the competition. Funding will be granted to 31 projects that realize the themes of the flagship programs: Health and demographic changes in the urban environment; Europe in a changing world: understanding societies, economies, cultures and languages; Transforming science and society by developing advanced information, computing and communication technologies; Biodiversity and sustainable development.

The selected initiatives differ in terms of form and duration. They include summer and winter schools, online and traditional courses, and the initiatives that contribute to the development of joint study programs. All projects relate to contemporary challenges and problems faced by European societies.

Higher education