Białystok scientist becomes vice president of the International Society of Family Law


Dr Piotr Fiedorczyk of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok (UW) was elected vice president of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL). It is a prestigious, international organization that brings together the best specialists in family law.

Dr Piotr Fiedorczyk has been a member of the ISFL association since 2005. He has been a member of the executive board of the organization for 9 years. Now he has become one of the five vice-presidents of the association. His term of office will last three years. Prof. Masha V. Antokolskaia of Vrije University in Amsterdam became the president of ISFL.

The International Society of Family Law is the largest international association of lawyers of family law. It has around 300 members from nearly 50 countries and is based in Amsterdam.
