Scientists of the Poznań University of Technology receive grants under the Miniatura competition


Three applications submitted by the scientists of the Poznań University of Technology have been qualified for funding under the Miniatura 4 competition announced by the National Science Center for individual scientific activities.

Funding for preliminary / pilot studies was received by: Dr Eng. Agnieszka Rybarczyk for the project “Analysis of migration of selected miRNAs between breast cancer cells”, Dr Eng. Martyna Rzelewska-Piekut for the project “Study of the influence of various factors on the precipitation of active nanoparticles of platinum group metals” and Dr Eng. Magdalena Jeszka-Skowron for the project “Influence of the fermentation process of coffee beans on the content of chlorogenic compounds and antioxidant activity of extracts obtained from coffee beans (Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta)”.

Applications for the implementation of a single scientific activity in one of the following forms could be submitted to the following categories: preliminary / pilot research, query, research internship, research trip or consultation trip.

Research and development