Adam Mickiewicz University’s social apiary receives Award of the Batory Foundation


The social apiary at the Nadnoteckie Institute of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła was awarded by the Batory Foundation. The Super Self-Government award was granted for joining forces and integration in implementing a specific social initiative.

The social apiary, educational garden and apiinhalation house were created as a joint initiative of the Pszczoła Foundation and Nadnotecki Institute of Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła with the support of Agnieszka Hubena-Żukowska’s Garden Arts Studio, the City of Piła and many other institutions from Piła and the region as well as numerous volunteers.

The aim of the project is to conduct education related to the role of pollinators in the functioning of the natural environment, subject to human economy, which must be carried out in a sustainable manner. The jury of the competition assessed that building a social apiary at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła was one of the best activities for local activity in the past year.

