Pomeranian University in Słupsk becomes a member of the Hanseatic Parliament

Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku

The Pomeranian University in Słupsk was admitted to the Hanseatic Parliament. The association based in Hamburg supports supra-regional and international cooperation at the interface of various industries and education.

Parliament brings together some 60 organizations from all over Europe – chambers of industry, commerce and crafts, small and medium-sized enterprises and universities. The aim of the association is to support supra-regional and international cooperation at the meeting point of various industries and education. Projects implemented by the Hanseatic Parliament are a response to the current social and economic needs around the world.

The Association is the leader of the 3LoE project in which the Pomeranian University participates. The project aims to educate specialists for the needs of the green economy. The project involves 22 partners from 7 countries. One of the main tasks of the university is the creation of dual studies in logistics.

More: https://www.apsl.edu.pl/aktualnosci-serwisu/akademia-pomorska-w-slupsku-czlonkiem-parlamentu-hanzeatyckiego2

Higher education