AGH University of Science and Technology begins cooperation with the Central Anticorruption Bureau


The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków and the Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA) have signed a letter of intent. As part of the cooperation, AGH UST will, together with the CBA, undertake educational activities aimed at raising awareness about corruption, as well as strengthening the competences of future graduates in the field of combating similar phenomena.

CBA will be involved in the educational process in the field of engineering studies Modern Technologies in Forensics, building security awareness and providing specialist competences to the entire academic community.

“Our field of study Modern Technologies in Forensics, educating specialists in the field of computer forensics or forensic analytics, gains another important partner. The most valuable from the point of view of the university is the fact that our graduates will gain even better and more specialized knowledge, provided by the expert services of the CBA”, said prof. Rafał Dańko.

Higher education