The Science Evaluation Committee (KEN) assessed the quality of scientific activity at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Two scientific majors were awarded the highest category A +, another six – category A, and all the rest – category B +. This means that all faculties have retained the right to award academic degrees.
The highest possible grades were given to physical sciences and mathematics. In addition, the biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, material engineering, chemical sciences, as well as management and quality sciences were rated very high- with the A category.
The evaluation for 2017-2021 was carried out on a new basis, within sciences not faculties as before. Each science could be awarded one of five scientific categories: A +, A, B +, B or C. The highest A + grade was awarded by KEN only to entities whose activity is comparable with leading European research centers and appreciated abroad.
More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/wyniki-ewaluacji-na-pwr–dwie-dyscypliny-z-ocena-a-12562.html