“Why are we still interested in Nicolaus Copernicus?” – lecture by Prof. Michał Kokowski


The Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences would like to invite the public to a lecture by Prof. Michał Kokowski on 16 February 2023 to mark the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus’ birth and the 150th anniversary of the first public meeting of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. The meeting will be held as part of the celebrations of the Nicolaus Copernicus Year in Kraków.

Professor Michał Kokowski specialises in the history and philosophy of the sciences and the study of the relationship of these disciplines with philosophy, religion and theology, the fine arts and technology. 

He has analysed the work of Władysław Natanson, Thomas S. Kuhn and especially Nicolaus Copernicus. He is the only researcher in Poland to date to have been awarded a doctoral degree (1997) and a postdoctoral degree (2005) in the field of Copernican studies.

As he said in an interview, Copernicus was a “brilliant man, undisputedly brilliant and his person evokes passion in people to this day because of the fact that he changed the image of the world”. 
