‘Spin Dictators. The new face of tyranny in the 21st century”


The Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) would like to invite the public to an author meeting with Professor Sergei Guriev on 26 April 2023 in connection with the publication by Open Publishing of the Polish version of the book “Spin Dictators. The new face of tyranny in the 21st century’, which he co-wrote with Daniel Treisman in 2022.

Tyrants have changed their strategy, but their goal remains the same: they want to control citizens by shaping in them a desired perception of the world. The spin dictators of the 21st century have become masters of simulating democratic procedures. The dictatorship of fear has given way to a dictatorship of manipulation – more efficient in repression and more effective in intimidation.

A critical introduction to the main theses of the monograph will be given by Dr Krzysztof Kozłowski, Professor at SGH, Director of the SGH Institute of International Studies. This will be followed by a speech by Professor Sergei Guriev. The meeting will be chaired by Karolina Zbytniewska, editor-in-chief of Euroactiv.pl. 

The author’s meeting with Prof. Sergei Guriev will be a side event to a debate to be held on 25 April with international experts on the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
