Poznan University of Technology students present their latest rocket

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wroclawiu

Students from the PUT Rocketlab scientific club at Poznan University of Technology presented their latest achievement – the HEXA 4 rocket. The event was complemented by a lecture by the club’s scientific supervisor, Dr Bartosz Ziegler, who told the audience “How to build a rocket and not go crazy”.

The HEXA 4 is a sounding rocket with the aim of reaching a maximum altitude of 9 km and returning safely to earth. Its most relevant parameters are a specific impulse of 2060-2190 Ns/kg, an acceleration of 9.6 G and a power of 8022 hp.

The project was very demanding, and the rocket was created over the last six months with the involvement of almost 70 team members. The Poznan students want to compete with their latest achievement at the Spaceport America Cup in June. More than 1,700 students and faculty from 150 institutions from around the world are expected to attend the event in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Read more: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/hexa-4-najnowszy-projekt-put-rocketlab
