Olsztyn to participate in the Copernicus World Congress


From 21 to 24 June 2023, Olsztyn will host the part of the World Copernican Congress, which is primarily devoted to the astronomer’s biography and museum and conservation issues. The event is organised by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in the region of Warmia, with which Nicolaus Copernicus tied his fate for some 40 years.

The Olsztyn part of the Congress was inaugurated by a lecture ‘An Astronomer and His Castles: The Scientist as Public Servant in Copernicus’s Era and Our Own’, delivered by Professor Karl Galle (Washington, USA).

On the following days, Congress participants take part in the proceedings, which are held in two sections.

The biographical section is divided into two main themes: 1. Nicolaus Copernicus’ youth and education; 2. Nicolaus Copernicus – life and activities. 

The second section is devoted to museum and conservation issues. The themes dealt with both the material legacy of Copernicus and efforts to protect and promote memorabilia associated with him.
