Bialystok University of Technology launches summer school in biometrics

Agnieszka Sakowicz-Stasiulewicz PB

38 students from Japan, South Korea, India, Ukraine, Spain, Colombia and Canada participated from 3-8 July 2023 in a residential summer school ‘Biometrics – intelligent solutions’ organised by the Bialystok University of Technology (PB).

Thanks to the financial support from the National Agency for Academic Exchange in the framework of the competition “SPINAKER – Intensive International Education Programmes”, the summer school was realised by the Faculty of Computer Science of PB.

The main topic of the summer school was methods of Artificial Intelligence, or artificial intelligence in biometrics. The residential classes were preceded by a remote week of summer school. During this time, ten online lectures were organised on topics such as smart cities and behavioural biometrics. 

The summer school programme also included proposals of a cultural nature: a trip to Warsaw, workshops on Podlasie cuisine, a visit to Białystok, and a tour of Podlasie.
