Inauguration of the Lublin Digital Union

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie

The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, attended the inauguration in Lublin of a research project on the use of digital solutions and artificial intelligence in medicine. 

The initiative is being carried out by three universities gathered in the Lublin Digital Union – Lublin Medical University, Lublin University of Technology and Lublin University of Life Sciences. The Ministry of Education and Science provided PLN 25 million to support the activities of the Lublin Digital Union.

‘We want to use the potential of Lublin universities, in particular the Lublin University of Technology and the University of Life Sciences, to use their IT potential concerning future technologies for medical purposes’, said Minister Czarnek.

‘It is all to ensure that our patients now and in the near future will be diagnosed much better, faster, which will translate into more effective therapy. This has been the assumption of this Digital Union from the beginning, which is why the Medical University plays a leading role in this project’, added the head of the Ministry of Education and Science.
