Researchers from Olsztyn take a look at Polish caravanners

Adam Wysocki/East News

Dr Krzysztof Kupren, professor at the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn from the Department of Tourism, Recreation and Ecology at the Faculty of Geoengineering at UWM, and Bartosz Dawid Czyżyński, are researching the Polish caravanning movement.

As noted by the Olsztyn researchers, the number of campers and caravans definitely increased on the roads just after the outbreak of the pandemic.

The results of a survey conducted by Bartosz Czyżyński under the supervision of Professor Kupren showed that most people interested in this type of tourism are aged 30-45 (56 %), with a university education (57 %). 

They are mainly residents of large cities with more than 250 000 inhabitants (77 %). They have generally been caravanning for more than five years (55 %). In most cases, they are economically active (88 %) with an income of more than PLN 5 000 (51 %). 

Almost all respondents own their own caravan or camper. They travel with them more than five times a year (57 %), most often for three days or more than five. Polish caravanners most often travel to the seaside and the Masurian Lake District.
