4th All-Poland Congress of European Studies

Album Documenta/EAST NEWS

The Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow, the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University and the Polish Society for European Studies – Krakow Branch are organising the 4th All-Poland Congress of European Studies on 20-22 September 2023, whose leading theme will be an attempt to answer the question: what kind of Europe?

Researchers representing various scientific disciplines are invited to participate in the 4th Congress of European Studies: political scientists, economists, lawyers, sociologists, historians, philosophers, researchers of European culture or international relations.

The common point of research interest should be the processes and phenomena related to contemporary Europe both in international, state, regional and local terms. This is because we believe that European integration (and disintegration) is taking place and is noticeable in many dimensions.

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