Minister Czarnek: In science, the good must be eager


‘In science, we have to do something that will make the good, shared by the absolute majority of scientists in Poland, people of science and universities in Poland, be eager, to allow us to show that it is worthwhile to be good,” said Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek during the 13th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar, held in Stary Sącz under the motto “Ideas – Man – Philosophy”.

Minister Czarnek recalled that the fight for goodness that he leads started with the fact that “we enacted the Academic Freedom Package, prohibiting the rector from initiating disciplinary proceedings against people in the world of science because of their statements related to their philosophical, religious or political worldview”.

During a scientific seminar in Stary Sącz, Minister Przemysław Czarnek honoured the scientific achievements of Prof. Włodzimierz Dłubacz with the medal ‘Sapientia et Veritas for Polish Science’. 
