Criminal Intelligence – New Trends in Analysis Conference 2023 in Krakow


The second international Criminal Intelligence – New Trends in Analysis Conference 2023 (CINTiA 2023) will be held on 19-21 September 2023 at the Institute of Computer Science of the AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Krakow. The event is organised by the Polish Platform for Internal Security, AGH and the European project CYCLOPES.

The aim of the conference is to enable the exchange of knowledge and experience between representatives of uniformed services, providers of crime analysis tools and representatives of the academic world.

As the organisers emphasise, the participation of law enforcement agencies in the presentations of new technologies and learning about the results of scientific work will allow them to gain the knowledge necessary to improve crime analysis processes. 

CINTiA 2023 will consist of practical and scientific panels.

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