44 candidates nominated for the National Science Centre 2023 Prize


On 11 October 2023, the National Science Centre (NCN) will present the 2023 NCN Prize. This year, 44 candidates have been shortlisted for this most important award for young scientists.

The NCN Prize is open to researchers who are under 40 years of age and have significant scientific achievements in basic research, documented by publications affiliated with Polish scientific units.

The award is granted in three areas of science: humanities, social and arts (HS), science and technology (ST) and life sciences (NZ). The basic criterion used by the committee evaluating the candidates’ achievements is their scientific excellence and international recognition.

The applicants include: 20 researchers from the ST area, 16 from the HS area and eight from the NZ area. The laureates’ names will be officially announced on 11 October 2023 during the NCN Prize 2023 ceremony, which will be held at the Gallery of 19th Century Polish Art in the Sukiennice, a branch of the National Museum in Krakow. 
