Poznan University of Technology to cooperate with the Civil Aviation Authority

Politechnika Poznańska

Poznan University of Technology will cooperate with the Civil Aviation Authority. A cooperation agreement was signed by the Rector of Poznan University of Technology, Prof. Teofil Jesionowski, and Andrzej Kotwica, Acting Vice-President for Aviation Standards at the Civil Aviation Authority.

The cooperation undertaken is aimed at the exchange of information, understood as the joint organisation of events, training courses and workshops, the development of expert opinions and statistics, and the organisation of meetings to raise awareness and promote good practice in the field of aviation safety in civil aviation.

The parties to the agreement unanimously stressed the benefits of an agreement covering cooperation in the field of safety management in civil aviation of the Republic of Poland.

Read more: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/politechnika-poznanska-podpisala-porozumienie-z-urzedem-lotnictwa-cywilnego

Higher education