Kato Science Centre opened in Katowice

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach

Katowice is preparing to be a European City of Science. The capital of Upper Silesia is the first ever city from Central and Eastern Europe to receive this title. As part of the preparations, it has opened the Kato Science Corner as an information point and a space for joint meetings, events, research and other activities carried out as part of the European City of Science Katowice 2024 (EMN).

Kato Science Corner also serves as the headquarters of Metrolab, a place for creative approaches to the city. At Metrolab, anyone can share their idea for the city, design changes or new services, try to implement and test them. The space itself is intended to be a place for inspiring meetings, discussions and creative brainstorming. 

The project involves all the universities that are part of the Academic Consortium – Katowice City of Science. The University of Economics in Katowice is responsible for coordinating content-related activities.

Read more: https://www.ue.katowice.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/article/uroczyste-otwarcie-kato-science-corner.html
